Archive for 2006

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What is AZU’s mission?

9 October 2006

“BZ’s goals are shared by the members of this blog and this post does indeed support our mission.”
-Daydreamer of Oz
BZ’s post was, if you didn’t know, overt dehumanization - a favourite tool of virtually all hate campaigns, past and present. AZU has been employing it since their beginnings, but, just for posterity, BZ’s latest […]


Sympathy for the undeserved…

4 October 2006

By now, of course, everyone has heard the story of the “man” who holed up in a one-room Amish boarding school, with seeming intent to rape the girls in that school, who ended up killing several of the girls before killing himself. From what I can understand, this “man” had been tortured with guilt over […]


Another one bites the dust….

29 September 2006

Well, it happened.
Our chief congressional opponent has been forced to resign due to his persistent sexual harassment of an underage boy.
Those of us who have been in this game for a while are not surprised.
Mark Foley, author of the no-conviction registration plan and primary author of most hate-based legislation, apparently found that writing “You in […]


Slaves shall fucking…you do get it now, don’t you?

27 September 2006

The “antis” are another manifestation of slave revolt. They know they are useless, retarded proles, so they attack us so that they can say to themselves “Hey, I’m a disgusting, insignificant, eugenically misbred prole who should probably be in a metal room waiting for a Zyklon-B shower, but at least I’m not a (insert deviant […]


Perverted Justice, Perverts Justice

20 September 2006

The other day Perverted Justice released an announcement, declaring they had decided to harass Pedologues podcaster Rookiee Revolyob for having dared to stand up in public and disagree with them. They slated four corporations that serve the public in their attacks, intending to pressure these corporations into silencing Rookiee by proxy. They have […]


Sticks and Stones May Break my Bones…

18 September 2006

…But Words Will Never Hurt Me.
Recently the Absolutely Nothing blog has have trolls come in to try and to disrupt us with garbage comment and pretend being important member of our community.
From now on this blog will have absolutely nothing accept comments by people who are here for […]

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Fwd: nytimes v d nathan?

6 September 2006

I saw this linked to from BoyChat and thought it was good to share on this blog! The page I find it on is badly formatted I fixed for easy reading here!
Dear Friend,
I urge you to write to the Times as well to get them to answer thequestions below. Judith Levine New York […]


The Lindsay Ashford Interview

2 September 2006

Thanks to Lex of GirlChat we now have a saved copy of the Lindsay Ashford Interview from KCTV! Although the Interview was spliced and diced in attempt to twist what Lindsay actually said and used in their other reports, thanks to Lex we can all view the original interview in its uncut full nineteen […]


Depriving children of touch is a form of abuse

30 August 2006

In lab studies, scientists have taken baby monkeys away from their mothers and placed them into a cage with two substitute mother-objects: a terrycloth doll, and a wire frame shaped like a monkey that dispensed milk. The baby monkeys spent more time clinging to the soft, cuddly “mother” and only approached the metal “mother” when […]



27 August 2006

Recently, Debbie Nathan wrote an article for entitled, “Why I need to see child porn.” Although the article contained some mistaken information (i.e., child modelling sites are actually not illegal, nor are they pornographic), Nathan’s article made an important point.
The government is the source for all statistics involving child pornography on the internet. Since […]


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