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The Bill Designed to Create Sex Offenders

12 September 2007

A source sent me a link to an article describing the manipulative measures used to push through the “Surrogate Stalker Act,” a here.

Excerpts from Eureka Reporter

If this bill eventually makes its way through the legislative process and becomes law, it “would make it a misdemeanor for any person to publish information describing the physical appearance of a child, the location of a child or locations where children may be found with the intent that another person (could) use the information to commit a crime against a child and the information is likely to aid in the imminent commission of a crime against a child

If this passes, of course, its interpretation will be abused, effectively making it “illegal” for paedophiles in the State of California to discuss the physical appearance of children.

This is a gut-and-amend bill that until (last week) dealt with an entirely different issue, and has yet to be analyzed by a policy committee,” said Will Shuck, chief of staff of Assemblymember Patty Berg’s office. “The ‘gut’ refers to stripping the bill of all its original language, and the ‘amend’ means inserting entirely new and often unrelated language [..] all of the previous votes for that bill have nothing to do with the language that’s in there now.


Shuck explained that there is “nothing untoward” about the maneuver of switching a bill’s intent by inserting new language, although he did say, “We are of course sometimes leery of a gut-and-amend that appears at the very last minute on the very last day. But this particular gut-and-amend happened because they just came up with the idea.

No, they did not. They came up with the idea months ago.

“We support this bill,” he stated. “Assemblymember Smyth’s bill — the ‘Surrogate Stalker Act’ — will help to fill a loophole in current law that allows potential sex offenders [paedophiles?] to ‘publish’ or make information available to another person about children with the intent of criminal exploitation. Such information could include photos and locations where children could be found.

Clearly Mr Smyth needs to research - or rather be honest about - the primary motives behind child sex offences, otherwise knowledgable Senators will become aware of his agenda. The primary motive for the majority of child sex offenders is not paedophilia.

Sexually violent predators [he considers paedophiles to be “predators”] pose a serious threat to public safety and we must take every necessary step to eliminate that threat.

The term “every necessary step” is absurd. Is he suggesting that someone such as Jack McClellan should be jailed for life or sentenced to death?

Please e-mail the Senators and Assemblymembers in order to provide sensible opinions regarding the bill. Contact information is located here.

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    2 Responses to “The Bill Designed to Create Sex Offenders”

  1. Annabel Says:


    Social scientists say that one of the things that make it difficult to stop sexual predators is the fact that their anti-social behavior is mostly invisible to most, except, sadly, to their victims. They are not the type of criminals that are easy to spot or who act suspiciously and avoid coming into contact with law enforcement officers or agencies. On the contrary, many Sex offenders have established themselves and are familiar figures in the community or neighborhood. They make their dark side known only when they strike. Oftentimes, they are people whom their victims trust – uncles, neighbors, teachers and the like.

  2. Phil Jones Says:

    I wish everyone would stop trying to punish people for crimes they have not committed simply because they THINK they may be committed. What is this, Communist Red China?

    Should any American citizen be banned from an entire state simply for publicly stating his private desires?

    Is this the America I served four years in the U.S. Navy for? If so, I am sorry I served.

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