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The Motivations of Anti-Paedophile Vigilantes

5 May 2007

It is rather apparent to the slightly more astute people of the online world that many members of the online community who aggressively attack paedophiles are not attacking us because they wish to protect children. Naturally, there are many people who actually do believe that attacking random minor-attracted people is the best way to deal with child molestation, despite the fundamental misunderstandings involved in this “reasoning.” Here are some other possible reasons for these attacks -

The reasons for these attacks are clearly based on a personal desire for acceptance from society and the attackers are generally people who feel they are not considered “respectable” in the general community. This basic need for acceptance drives them to attack an easy target, who they know will be automatically unpopular. This is cowardly, but many of these people are insecure.

We need to show that we aren’t weak and that we are prepared to defend ourselves against attacks, which will disempower our enemies’ quest for acceptance at our expense.

Posted in Vigilantes, Paedophilia, Closet Homosexuals, Heterosexuals, Stupidity, Abuse, Hypocrisy, Hate | Trackback | del.icio.us | Top Of Page

    11 Responses to “The Motivations of Anti-Paedophile Vigilantes”

  1. X-File Says:

    I would agree with some of your points as to why. I myself have had a change of heart to a point concerning my tactics. I also agree that a major problem is the way the names are uses Pedophile/Predator, people mix the two, with some a pedophile is automaticly a predator.

    I just posted this in our forums earlyer…

    As for me, I have done some more reading and I think the best possible solution is … drum roll …

    oh, first off, let me say, that i refer to only “legal” activity on the Internet and in life.

    ok, back to drum roll………

    Creators of controversial web sites or the writers of such blogs, need to accept responsibility along with their right to free speech. In the case of puellula’s sugar and spice, this is irresponsible in regards to the children it is created for. Impressionable young minds need not be played with like that. I feel that Ashford should take it down. Promote pedophilia all you want, but, do not attempt to reach someone’s child with your doctrine and philosophy. If anything, write it so a parent can find it and read about pedophilia to educate them, so they can see the whole story from a pedophiles view and in return they can answer the questions or concerns of the child.

    Which brings me to parents, it is the responsibility of the parent to..

    1) watch your child’s actions, monitor their Internet access and educate them on the dangers of predators (I did not say “law abiding pedophiles”).

    2) Create an atmosphere in which your child can come to you for any reason, if it angers you, do not express that, bite your tongue, keep a civil voice and discuss the subject. if you do not know about the subject, explain that to your child and tell them you will find out everything they want to know. You are human, let your child see that. Let your child feel that they can come to you with anything, Even sexual questions.

    3) Assume responsibility for your child, if you can regulate when they are to be in at night, or what they can and can’t do than take action to regulate their Internet surfing and who they have contact with. On slip up is all it takes and a life can be ruined. It is not the responsibility of others to police your child’s activity. Buy net nanny or something to filter what they can access. Do not be lazy in this area for the sake of your children!

    Now Crusaders…

    The same free speech that is abused by others can also be abused by us. We need to creat a source of education. to reach parents and children alike and educate them on truth and life. Education will get more accomplished in this life. Screaming, calling names, personal attacks, lies, threats and such keep us running in circles, In some instances we loose ground. People seek and want peace and a better life and when they are faced with the choice of a civil outcome as opposed to all out war and the chaos it creates, they will opt for the peace, even to the point they are willing to sacrifice some personal beliefs and standards. If we want to win, we need to educate society on our point of view. Stop the name calling and pointing of fingers at those who have never been convicted of a crime. Keep an open eye and respect people who deserve it. The Bible says, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” (Romans 12:18). When we are respectful and civil and educated on our cause, when are able to provide competent answers, we will be respected by society in general.

    So is X-File backing down?

    No, X-File still has his moral standards and Ideas about the way things should be. But, I think that Education along with web and blog creators self policing and taking responsibility for their content is the answer. But, yes that doesn’t mean that they have to take down a dangerous posting or portion of their web site. But, that does mean that on those grounds even enemies can ban together and express their distaste for the dangerous atmosphere it creates, and from their boycott them and their supporters and never visit that site again.

    I am willing to work with any “law abiding” pedophile to end abuse. To work together for a common good. As for the predators out there, get right with God and man and then we can work together. I will even help you get the help you need.

    I extend my hand to all of you, anti and pro alike, to be a friend when you need one.


    Thomas Wagner

  2. Dr NL Oldfield Says:

    ‘The Other’

    Origin of the Word:

    Otherness is an ambiguous term that originated in the writings of GWF Hegel (1770-1831) and was later developed in the psychoanalysis of Lacan. The other can be associated with the image outside oneself perceived and identified within the Mirror stage. It can be understood within the binary of self/other and can be seen as organizing the very existence of individual subjects. While Otherness is something that we all experience in a psychological sense, the processes of othering have specific implications when used to disempower and colonize certain peoples.

    Popular Definition:

    Othering is a way of defining and securing one’s own positive identity through the stigmatization of an “other.” Whatever the markers of social differentiation that shape the meaning of “us” and “them,” whether they are racial, geographic, ethnic, economic or ideological, there is always the danger that they will become the basis for a self-affirmation that depends upon the denigration of the other group. When a group claims to be “chosen by God,” the danger multiplies, not only for the “unchosen” other who may be subjected to violence, but for the chosen group itself that is at risk of being undermined. [In other words, convenient though othering is as a way of propping up one’s ego, it has an inherent fragility because it must constantly led be fed by the illusory inferiority by the Other – and is thus constantly at risk of being discredited – MU]


  3. admin Says:


    I also agree that a major problem is the way the names are uses Pedophile/Predator, people mix the two, with some a pedophile is automaticly a predator.

    I commend you for being aware of the difference.


    Thanks for that information. Do you have a link?

  4. Dr NL Oldfield Says:


    Yes … that’s a Wikiquote, under ‘Other’:


    However, it is a common reference in Criminology and Sociology, in regards to stereotyping, prejudice etc.



  5. User Says:

    Thanks WM

  6. Steve Diamond Says:

    Some in the LGBT circles also attack “pedophiles”, because of a sense of having been “tarnished” and held back.

    “Pedophiles” are seen, by some of them, as being more of a political, “ball and chain” around their neck…and they blame us for this.

    This evolved, through the classic “divide and conquer” strategy, employed by the fundamentalists and conservatives.

    They tried to define every “pervert”, as being the same thing…some form of “danger to children”.

    The strategy, was to malign all the “plane vanillas”, and “other deviants”, by associating them with the exact same, outrageous and hurtful stigma, which they designed and used against us.

    Instead of seeing through this, like every group which has been treated like us should automatically be able to do, certain opportunistic spokespersons took the easy route, and turned their back on humanity…and sexual liberation.

    I guess, they figured the accomplishments were good enough to make “them” happy…and they didn’t much care about anyone else involved in the movement, or anyone else who was still being brutally attacked.

    Amazingly…”we” are the ones who get blamed in all of this unthinkable mess.

    Some of them refuse to “forgive us”, and treat it like a vengeful vendetta…even though the treason was committed from their own, “plane vanilla” camp.

    We are characterized as the ones who are “holding them back”, and preventing them from being “free”.

    The party line, “plane vanillas” have been getting played like a violin, by the conservatives and fundamentalists, ever since.

    Because of the wrath they have towards us, in order to “redeem” and “defend” themselves, they have been a very useful pawn, for the ultra conservatives.

  7. Steve Diamond Says:

    “Promote pedophilia all you want, but, do not attempt to reach someone’s child with your doctrine and philosophy.”

    …Excuse me, but I believe that it is important to say, that for many of us, this is a human rights issue, and a matter concerning human sexuality.

    Let me repeat that…”Human Rights”, and “Human Sexuality”…

    …not “rights for only those types of people”, or “sexuality of only those sorts of human”.

    I can tell you, personally, that sexual orientation, and persecution for having a politically “wrong” sexual orientation, makes no bias towards age.

    A vast many of the people who we need to design an outreach program for, are people who are children today…and many children will be born tomorrow, and the next day, and the next…etc, etc…

    Because, just like all of us were so vulnerable to this political hostility, when we were children ourselves, so are the child (and teen) members of our minority group, today.

    It is unthinkable and inhumane to turn our backs on these kids, who are trying to figure themselves out, and who need our support.

    It is the height of irresponsibility and treachery, to abandon them for the wolves to tear apart…just as what happened to so, so many of us.

    All of my writings have been for human consumption, and human consideration…They are there to be an education tool, and/or a source of uplifting support, for absolutely anyone who has come in need of such.

    No age restrictions are ever intended, or implied.

    …and I would never even think of evoking such.

    This has been one of the critical mistakes that the organised, gays and lesbians have made, concerning “gay kids”…

    They have largely alienated their own future, by disassociating from them.

    Just as it has always been, through out history…the children of today, are the pivotal factor, in ending hate, misunderstandings, violence and other forms of maltreatment.

    Free the human child’s mind of hate and prejudice, and those things will fade away, into oblivion.

    Please let me reiterate again…and please understand, a vast number of today’s children ARE us, and we have a responsibility to reach out to them, and fight to make their social plight in this life at least a little bit better, than what us older ones have had to survive through.

    If we do nothing, then we are no better than the people who have caused this social nightmare, and those who continue to push it.

    Lastly, with regards to “dangerous content”…this sounds more like a value judgement, and it always sends up red flags in my mind, because this normally means nothing more than censorship of the free expression of experiences and ideas.

    It is normally about thought control, by silencing the voices of one side (or several sides) of a controversial issue.

    I will do something very rare, however, and concede that I do take a rather ill view towards some of what Lindsay has been doing…

    …most specifically, making online “tribute” pages, to high profile children, who were kidnapped, brutalized and slain.

    If he knew the children personally, and if these pages were not connected in any way, to his “Human Face of Pedophilia” web site, I think it would be okay.

    …but, it has always come off in my own mind, as an attempt at easy publicity…by outraging the crusading interventionists, who are looking for anything to lunge at and yell about.

    Same thing with that whole stink about the politicians kids being featured on his web site…

    I could only shake my head and think, “What are you thinking?…Are you trying to destroy yourself?”…

    Some things just are not strategically sound…and I would hope, that people involved in this movement would have the foresight, to be able to separate the good ideas form the obviously bad.

    For the most part, however, Lindsay’s web sight is quite good (what I have seen of it).

    If I were to have to bet on anything, it would be that he is getting very frustrated, and doing anything he can think of, to instigate getting this issue into the public eye.

    When I first started making web sites, I had a “boy gallery”, with a hundred or so pictures of anonymous boys. It was very frivolous and fun, honestly…a “pictorial celebration of boys”…

    I initially didn’t even think about it at the time, but having that gallery really hindered my message, because it took the focus off of the issues being discussed, and left me open to accusations from people, that I was “parading meat in front of sexually starved perverts”.

    …granted, you could find these pictures on the net, freely, and there was nothing illegal about them…they were just boys that “I” liked to look at.

    …but, I had to make a change of course, because the message and outlook I stand for, is far more important, than being able to have hundreds of pictures of cute boys, all in one spot…

    …Our movement is far to precious to gamble with, over frivolous matters.

    It took us decades, to finally get a voice back…maybe not an ideal one, but it is a starting point.

  8. Steve Diamond Says:

    …and just to be clear, the “anonymous” post above, from “May 6th, 2007 at 9:12 pm”, was authored by myself.

    Probably, every one who is already familiar with my style and outlook on life, already figured that out…but, I don’t expect that to be most of the people who read here.

    It was unintentionally posted anonymously…


  9. User Says:

    Heh, it looks like this post hit a raw nerve with a #1, #3 and #4

  10. ebola Says:

    “The attacker is LGBT. Some gay men/women attack paedophiles in order to gain acceptance among heterosexual members of society. Some LGBT people also feel ‘less perverse’ and more secure about their orientation by attacking someone who they consider to be ‘more perverse.’”

    I’m quite proud to not be one of these people.

  11. admin Says:

    I’m quite proud to not be one of these people.

    Yeah, I know there are some LGBT members of society who oppose the current paedophile hysteria; I appreciate your understanding. :-)

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