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There’s a Paedophile in Your Neighbourhood

10 August 2007

Actually, there are probably hundreds. How do I know this?

“Laboratory researchers have validated physiologically the self-report studies of nonclinical, nonpedophile identified volunteers. In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult (Hall, Hirschman, & Oliver, 1995). In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females (Quinsey, Steinman, Bergersen, & Holmes, 1975). In a control group of 66 males recruited from hospital staff and the community, 17% showed a penile response that was pedophilic (Fedora et al., 1992). Freund and Watson (1991), studying community male volunteers in a plethysmography classification study, found that19%were misclassified as having an erotic preference for minors. Freund and Costell (1970) studied 48 young Czech soldiers who were shown slides of children between 4 and 10, both male and female, as well as adolescents and adults, male and female. Penile responsivity to female children, ages 4–10, was intermediate to adolescent and adult females and males in one scoring system. In the other scoring system, all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10.”

From Is Pedophilia a Mental Disorder, by Richard Green

Despite this, parents in Santa Clarita are terrified about one paedophile who infrequently visits the area. Webmaster “Ron Tebo,” identified by court documents as Rob Tebo, has decided to post a website which he allegedly claims is intended to divert people from Jack’s nonexistent website.

Rob’s paedophiles comprise only 10-15% of child molesters. Using this approximation, it can be said that approximately 1 in 37 children are abused by paedophiles, whereas more than 1 in 7 children are abused by non-paedophile offenders, such as parents or situational offenders. This may be surprising for parents, when they consider that figures revealing the number of paedophiles in society dictate that children will meet paedophiles on a daily basis.

Despite Jack McClellan being a non-offender, at the age of 45, profiteering lawyers, webmasters and assemblypeople are now claiming that he’s destined to sexually abuse a child. This is a mere stereotype and is blatantly contrary to psychological studies investigating human sexuality and child sexual abuse.

People don’t hate us because of the actions of a minority of paedophiles, they hate us for the same reasons that people have always hated a particular minority - bigotry. The headline, “Next Step Against Pedophiles Plotted,” genuinely exposes people’s true feelings about non-offending paedophiles. The “normal” people are terrified, because unlike with previously oppressed minorities, such as blacks, jews and gays, spotting a paedophile is impossible. Ironically, the only reason that many paedophiles haven’t “come out” and identified themselves is because of the levels of hatred they face. There are millions of people in the United States who have sexual thoughts about children when they stare at children…. and society knows that there’s nothing it can do about that. Paedophilia can’t be “cured,” as someone who believes actually believes that paedophilia is an illness has stated. Despite this, we hear insane statements such as “We have to get [Jack McClellan] face-to-face with victims,” as if that will magically change his orientation.

People use tactics of dishonesty, fear, scapegoating and intimidation to push their bigoted views about paedophiles. People who do this are no better than those who oppressed blacks, jews, or homosexuals, because they are equally happy to attack many innocent people purely out of hate.

You can’t prevent thousands of paedophiles being present in your community and you can’t change a paedophile’s feelings for children. Children will always meet paedophiles on a daily basis and this very rarely results in molestation. Heterosexuals are more likely to abuse a child, yet people do nothing about this because heterosexuals are “normal.” It’s pathetic.

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