Xavier Von Erck - Criminal
2 November 2007Xavier Von Erck (real name Phillip John Eide), is the owner of Perverted Justice. He admits that he targets people because they’re attracted to children, but only to hurt them, not to protect children. He states that “protecting children is just a side benefit.”
He incites members of his organisation to telephone people who have been outed as paedophiles, which results in hundreds of vicious phone calls; the victims often receive calls in the middle of the night. He targets men, women and children.
Catherine N.X has obtained his real-life details and criminal record, which I’ve re-posted here. I hope that people who have been harassed by Eide will calmly contact him to voice their opinion.
5 Responses to “Xavier Von Erck - Criminal”
November 5th, 2007 at 12:53 am
I also endorse that this is not a call to violence.
Compare it to publishing the contacts and location of a journalist or buisnessman who is already a public figure - for example. It makes the accountable.
And when that person is involved in harrasment, it shows them and the world that they are not untouchable, and are subjectable to the very same scrutiny that they force ten times harder on others.
November 6th, 2007 at 1:20 pm
“…obtained his real-life details and CRIMINAL RECORD…”
Please, his “criminal record” is a traffic ticket for speeding and failing to carry proof of insurance, which were issued on the same citation at the same time and place. So, your criminal history amounts to ONE traffic stop. WOW!!! What dirt you’ve uncovered!!!
November 7th, 2007 at 3:35 pm
“Perverted Payday
Xavier Von Erck, the sweaty-palmed founder of online vigilante group Perverted Justice, pulls down a cool $120,000 per year by pretending to be a little girl, according to documents he filed with the IRS seeking tax-exempt status for the organization.
He also expects to be paid a total of nearly $2 million by NBC through next year in “consulting fees” for Perverted Justice’s role in setting up stings of functionally retarded creeps for Dateline’s “To Catch a Predator” series, despite the fact that NBC has told him the show may get canceled …”
http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2007/11/perverted-payday.php ”
November 7th, 2007 at 6:02 pm
“He also expects to be paid a total of nearly $2 million by NBC through next year in “consulting fees””
Heh. Don’t forget that he’s only thinking of the children!
May 15th, 2010 at 1:43 pm
Being attracted to children is not a sexual orientation….it is a mental corruption. Somewhere along the way or from birth these people have bad wiring. It is predatory behavior to subject undeveloped children to such things. Christ even animals no better than to fuck there young. Disgusting….get help.
Good for Xavier…I say money well earned….money well spent.