Archive for 2008

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Satire: Santa Arrested For Paedo Pics

25 December 2008

The Daily Sun: London
CHRISTMAS has been cancelled for a second year, following the arrest of Santa for “evading the prohibition on the importation of indecent material”. According to the Metropolitan Police’s Paedophile Unit, Santa first came under suspicion after he was found to have travelled to Thailand more than 200 times over a period of […]


Possession of Child Pornography Becomes Illegal in Slovenia

1 November 2008

The mere possession of child pornography has today become an offence in Slovenia, following the adoption of a new penal code. According to the new law, it will be an offence for a person to possess “pornographic or other sexual material depicting minors or their realistic images”. The maximum sentence for possession is up to […]


PNVD Harassed By Authorities At Peaceful Protest

14 October 2008

Members of the PNVD, a Dutch political party which supports the reform of legislative and social attitudes towards child sexuality and paedophilia, were recently harassed during a protest against EU data retention laws.
Four members of the party peacefully joined the protest in The Hague (Holland) on October 11, however they were confronted by an […]

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28 August 2008

Due to inactivity and the increasingly academic nature of contributions, we are going to change the format of this website. This blog will be locked but will remain online, while new material will be written for static pages, outside of the Wordpress format. A new Slashdot-style blogging service will be launched, which will allow anyone […]

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The Adverse Effects of Child Sexual Hysteria (Part 1)

22 June 2008

If we were to put aside our case for non-contact pedophile rights - just for a moment, how many adverse consequences could we list for society in general? I almost considered grafting extra fingers to count them all. In this half of my post, I consider the negative impacts on Children:
1. Denial of contact with […]


Politics of an Obscene Character

29 May 2008

The suitably Orwellian-sounding Ministry of Justice has announced that it is to criminalise the possession of “all images of child sexual abuse, including drawings and computer-generated images”.
When the Home Office originally outlined their plans to criminalise such cartoons, I urged people to send a reply to the consultation and many people did voice their concerns. […]


The Content of “Indecent Images”

1 May 2008

It is often claimed that child pornography involves violence and sexual abuse against children. That claim is used to justify a vast amount of funding for organisations such as CEOP, as well as restrictive and illiberal legislation.
The book Child Pornography: Crime, Computers and Society provides insight into the content of indecent images, using a sample […]


The Contemporary Moral Crusade

31 March 2008

UK nationals living in any part of the world could face prosecution under UK law - for acts done legally abroad - if the Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill is enacted as amended at present.
Section 71 of the bill intends to make it illegal for a UK national living, working or travelling abroad to commit […]


Nonsexual aspects of paedophilia

4 March 2008

Many researchers have pointed out that paedophilia often has a romantic and emotional element. This post aims to contradict the misconception of paedophilia as purely sexual by documenting their comments.
Evidence further suggests that those persons whose primary sexual interest is genuinely pedophilic often exhibit a complex set of attitudes, beliefs, and perceived needs in regard […]


The mental health of paedophiles

3 March 2008

This post is a collection of research showing that there is no reliable evidence for the claim that paedophiles display clinically significant pathology.
Individuals whose sexual orientation is directed toward children manifest the same range of personality, temperamental, and character traits as individuals whose sexual orientation is directed towards adults.
~ Berlin, F. S. (2000). “Treatments to […]

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