FAQ for Paedophiles

FAQ for Paedophiles

What is paedophilia?

Paedophilia is a sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. It is defined in more detail here. The equivalent orientation focussed on adolescents is ephebophilia.

Is it illegal to be attracted to children?


Should I seek therapy?

You should not seek therapy merely because you are attracted to children. Many people are attracted to children and refrain from engaging in sexual activity with children. Most people who sexually abuse children are not actually paedophiles. If you do feel that you are likely to act on your urges with an actual child, you should seek preventative support, but be careful about how you discuss such issues.

If you wish to discuss your attraction with other minor-attracted people, consider visiting LifeLine.

Is there a “cure” for paedophilia?

As is the case with homosexuality, there is no “cure” for paedophilia, as it is a natural sexual attraction. Paedophilia is an example of natural variation within humans and your orientation is not abnormal. If all adults were attracted to other adults, humanity would be faced with a dangerous population explosion. People who are attracted to children therefore play an important role in humanity, something which you should be proud of.

Is it right to have sex with children?

No. Many children deeply regret having sex with adults, so such an action would be highly irresponsible.

Should I tell anyone about my attraction?

That depends on how much you trust the person. Please remember that most people dislike both offending and non-offending paedophiles, so outing yourself to another person is a significant risk.

What should I do about my orientation?

Learning to accept that there is nothing wrong with your attractions and thoughts is extremely important. You are not an evil person, you do not abuse children by having private fantasies, and you are not alone. Society wrongly attacks those who are attracted to children. If you disagree with these attacks against your thoughts, consider setting up a journal at somewhere like InsaneJournal, to broadcast your opinion.