Archive for 'Homosexuality' Category
Fantasies and Consent
28 February 2008Adult-attracted men - whether heterosexual or homosexual - often state that being attracted to children is wrong, citing a child’s inability to give informed consent as a justification for their stance. While I do not believe that children can give informed consent to engage in sexual activity with adults, for reasons both psychological and social, […]
Hate Law: Pedophiles overlooked, used as pawns
15 November 2007(@ link):
LONDON, November 12, 2007 – Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, has today supported the Government’s plan to make it an offence to incite hatred against people on the basis of their sexual orientation.
Why am I not holding my breath?
The Mayor was adamant that this move would not infringe on freedom of […]
Flawed Research, Misinterpretations and “Paedophile Neurology”
26 September 2007“Paedophiles’ brains ‘different’“
“A Yale University team found activity in parts of paedophiles’ brains were lower than in other volunteers when shown adult, erotic material.”
The research shows that, when paedophiles viewed erotic images of women, there was a low level of activity in the hypothalamus, the area of the brain which is involved in arousal and […]
Adoption in the City of Plymouth
26 July 2007Quoted from a recent local newspaper promotion:
They’re counting on you to adopt them
It isn’t much fun. 30-40 children a year in Plymouth are playing a waiting game.
Single children and groups of brothers and sisters of all ages, abilities, cultures and religions are waiting for a forever family to adopt them.
The waiting game isn’t much fun. […]
The ILGA, the LGBT Community and Positive Liberty
22 July 2007The ILGA, formed in 1978, are a group which advocates equal rights for LGBT people. They do not, however, support anti-discriminatory measures in general, nor do they support free speech. This is a result of their loss of consultative status on the UN Economic and Social Council, a loss which was allegedly due to NAMbLA’s […]