Archive for 'Paedophilia' Category
Why You Won’t Locate Paedophiles in Your Area
10 April 2010Paedophiles are adults or older adolescents who are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Many parents wish to know if there is a paedophile in their area, and a number of people have found this website while searching for such information. The occurrence of paedophilia within the general population is higher than you might imagine; studies indicate […]
The Perverse Politics of Virtual Child Porn Law
6 July 2009In 2006, the UK Home Office (which has since devolved many of its powers to the Ministry of Justice) announced plans to criminalise the possession of “non-photographic images of child sexual abuse” (BBC, 2006). The justification for this law was based upon several assumptions, none of which are supported empirically.
The first and most significant claim […]
Proposing, Veiling and Prosecuting Thoughtcrime
20 January 2009In George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four the government attempts to control not only the speech and actions, but also the thoughts of its subjects, labelling disapproved thoughts with the term thoughtcrime or, in Newspeak, “crimethink”. In the book, Winston Smith, the main character, writes in his diary: “Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is […]
The Adverse Effects of Child Sexual Hysteria (Part 1)
22 June 2008If we were to put aside our case for non-contact pedophile rights - just for a moment, how many adverse consequences could we list for society in general? I almost considered grafting extra fingers to count them all. In this half of my post, I consider the negative impacts on Children:
1. Denial of contact with […]
Politics of an Obscene Character
29 May 2008The suitably Orwellian-sounding Ministry of Justice has announced that it is to criminalise the possession of “all images of child sexual abuse, including drawings and computer-generated images”.
When the Home Office originally outlined their plans to criminalise such cartoons, I urged people to send a reply to the consultation and many people did voice their concerns. […]
Nonsexual aspects of paedophilia
4 March 2008Many researchers have pointed out that paedophilia often has a romantic and emotional element. This post aims to contradict the misconception of paedophilia as purely sexual by documenting their comments.
Evidence further suggests that those persons whose primary sexual interest is genuinely pedophilic often exhibit a complex set of attitudes, beliefs, and perceived needs in regard […]
The mental health of paedophiles
3 March 2008This post is a collection of research showing that there is no reliable evidence for the claim that paedophiles display clinically significant pathology.
Individuals whose sexual orientation is directed toward children manifest the same range of personality, temperamental, and character traits as individuals whose sexual orientation is directed towards adults.
~ Berlin, F. S. (2000). “Treatments to […]
Not all paedophiles molest children
2 March 2008As should be obvious from the prevalence of paedophilia in the general population, not all paedophiles molest children:
Although one-in-seven men expressed a sexual interest in children, it is likely that a significantly smaller number of men actually sexually abuse children. Empirical evidence indicates that inhibitors are effective in preventing a sexual interest in children becoming […]
Fantasies and Consent
28 February 2008Adult-attracted men - whether heterosexual or homosexual - often state that being attracted to children is wrong, citing a child’s inability to give informed consent as a justification for their stance. While I do not believe that children can give informed consent to engage in sexual activity with adults, for reasons both psychological and social, […]
The Metropolitan Police: Harassing Paedophiles
26 January 2008In July 2007, the Metropolitan Police published plans to engage in the “proactive disruption of 130 individuals with a sexual interest in children“. The article was reported by the Daily Express, here. The full text of the “Serious Violence Strategy” draft can be found at the Metropolitan Police’s website, here [pdf].
The response to a Freedom […]