Archive for 'US law' Category

Proposing, Veiling and Prosecuting Thoughtcrime

20 January 2009

In George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four the government attempts to control not only the speech and actions, but also the thoughts of its subjects, labelling disapproved thoughts with the term thoughtcrime or, in Newspeak, “crimethink”. In the book, Winston Smith, the main character, writes in his diary: “Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is […]


The Bill Designed to Create Sex Offenders

12 September 2007

A source sent me a link to an article describing the manipulative measures used to push through the “Surrogate Stalker Act,” a link to the bill itself, and a list of the e-mail addresses of Californian Senators and Assemblymembers, now posted here.
Excerpts from Eureka Reporter
“If this bill eventually makes its way through the legislative process […]


Creating Criminals, from London to LA

15 August 2007

The Metropolitan Police haven’t been very popular recently. They have been criticised for arresting peaceful protesters, sometimes using force against women. They have been exposed as being woefully weak against organised gangs in London, faling to prevent the murder of countless children from ethnic minorities. Most recently, they have been condemned for shooting an innocent […]


There Are No Excuses

16 May 2007

The article is here
A 15 year old boy was recently charged with 21 counts of “sexual exploitation of a minor” for having images of girls on his cell phone.
According to the article,
“The sheriff’s office says this is one of two such cases in the last month and a half, and that this is an […]