Paedophiles Working With Children
24 November 2007I do volunteer work with children.
But why do I do volunteer work with children?
I’ve wanted to work with children for a while because I find them sexually attractive.
I’ve wanted to work with children for a while because I find them emotionally attractive.
One reason is totally unrelated to paedophilia.
But here’s something which the bigots may not have considered:
I need to work with children because adultist society’s hatred of non-offending paedophiles makes me HATE (adult-attracted) adults. I refuse to have significant social contact with adults because of their hatred of us, but - like everyone else - I need to have SOME social contact…. so I have a small amount of social contact with children, in order to remain sane.
I work with children in order to think “fuck you” towards bigots who try to stop non-offending paedophiles working with children.
Much of the reason that I work with children is related to the illogical hatred of non-offending paedophiles.
I can control myself and I will never try to have sex with a child, but I’m sure that people would hate the fantasies that I have when I’m around children, if they were aware of those fantasies. Adults perceive even non-offending paedophiles working around children to be an awful and hellish situation. And yet, because of this absurd, misinformed perception - and their obssession with our private fantasies - they indirectly and inadvertantly encourage paedophiles to work with children.
I work with children because society doesn’t want me to, and I will publish a guide to help other non-offending paedophiles (and possibly also non-contact offenders who are legally allowed to work with children) to do the same. While we must obey the law, there is no reason to honour the bigoted “values” of society. When society rejects us, we must in turn reject its values. Being a paedophile who works with children is one way of doing this.
We must work with children in order to counter-indocrinate them, so that they don’t grow up to have the appalling values of the adults of today.
Consider this to be a legal form of civil disobedience, where non-offenders refuse to accept the demands of a bigoted society. We need to do something like this, because politely explaining that we don’t like being bullied isn’t working.
9 Responses to “Paedophiles Working With Children”
November 28th, 2007 at 12:39 pm
Interesting post, as always. It seems bizarre to us, as MAAs, that there should even be an issue about working closely with young people. For most MAAs (as opposed to, say, ‘pseudo-pedophiles’) sexual attraction is one aspect of a diverse life. Just as for heterosexuals, it is absurd to think that we do not have the same capacity to co-exist with one another without controlling sexual desire. Heterosexual men and women work together in offices all over the world. Why should not an MAA be equally capable of working with young people in the same way?
To suggest an answer my own question, and building on the point made in your post, the issue concerns the stereotypes that exist in popular culture surrounding the construction of ‘The Pedophile’. One of the many elements of this stereotype is that MAAs are incapable of self-control. Obviously, it is all tied up with the creation of the fictitious bogeyman: an illiterate, ineffectual, mentally-deficient monster, who salivates and drools uncontrollably. Parents, indoctrinated with this irrational image by the media and vested interests, understandably would not want such a character working with children - which is why we must strive to break down such stereotypes.
In any event, I completely support the idea of a guide to MAAs seeking to work with young people. In fact, from an idealistic point of view, I favor the notion of a whole series of guides for MAAs, particularly those who have not yet discovered a support system, e.g. a Guide to Law (particularly CP, and the possibility (of which many are unaware) that people could be prosecuted for possession of naturist material in some jurisdictions); a Guide to Resources (where support can be found, educational resources, etc); a Guide to Essential Computer Security, and so on. Pragmatically speaking, however, the challenge would be achieving mass distribution of such guides…
November 29th, 2007 at 5:36 pm
“Heterosexual men and women work together in offices all over the world. Why should not an MAA be equally capable of working with young people in the same way?”
I don’t think that people are concerned about the sexual threat which is often (incorrectly) attributed to us, rather they are concerned about the sexual fantasies which we have when we’re around children. It is important to remember that people are inherently bigoted and that they will always find a scapegoat for their own perceived deviancy. If they fantasise about cheating on their wife, they can at least compare themselves favourably with people who fantasise about sexually abusing children.
“a Guide to Law (particularly CP, and the possibility (of which many are unaware) that people could be prosecuted for possession of naturist material in some jurisdictions)”
There’s a lot of legal information here, but as you say, we should produce a succint legal guide.
November 30th, 2007 at 12:47 pm
My local council offers kids for adoption and they guarantee that will not discriminate anyone for their sexuality, but why do I have the feeling that writting “pedophile” on the application form will lead to discrimination?
December 1st, 2007 at 12:21 pm
Zoraya - I suspect you’re correct there!
User - I completely agree with your point that, on an individual level, there is a great element of visceral delight in the ’sordid details’ of anything involving sex. Particularly where young people are involved, people deeply relish stories about brutal abuse – the syndrome of taking secret pleasure in watching ‘horrorific events’ occur to others. Newspaper circulation soars at the faintest hint of sexual violence.
As an example of this, witness the plethora of ‘CSA survivor’ books saturating the market. At this moment, on the Sunday Times ‘Bestseller’ list, no less than three of the top ten non-fiction paperbacks are ‘childhood abuse autobiographies’ – which means that tens of thousands of people are buying these books, with their lurid tag-lines promising ‘indescribable horror and suffering’. An astonishing level of hypocrisy.
December 1st, 2007 at 4:13 pm
“User - I completely agree with your point that, on an individual level, there is a great element of visceral delight in the ’sordid details’ of anything involving sex.”
That’s not what I was saying, actually. In my opinion, the reason that people are interested in paedophiles’ fantasies is not because people like the idea of our fantasies, it is because “normal people” feel better when they think that some people have fantasies which are more perverse than their own.
As regards your point about the hypocrisy of the CSA book market, I agree with you.
December 9th, 2007 at 5:32 pm
To all Parents, and decent human beings,
As statistics show the Peodophiles are becoming smarter and more deceitful in how his or her quench is satisfied.
Once we would think that no human being of sound mind could possibly stoop to that level of animalistic torture upon a young child, for his or her own sexual gratification.
[Sue, what you said here could be misinterpreted as promoting sexual slavery of adults, so I removed it - admin]
It is the little voices we have to speak out for, our children, our next generation, adults please keep a vigilant eye out for that child singled out or demonstrative perhaps in another way. We have to save them.
As for the perpetrators who do these hideous crimes, what do you think we should do with them I wonder?
December 11th, 2007 at 7:25 am
Sue -
How do statistics show that pedophiles are becoming more deceitful, when statistics traditionally relate to child molesters and their rates of molestation as opposed to they way they go about their crimes?
Once we would think that virtually no activity that was to be later criminalised as child sexual abuse could be described as “torture” (very little is, although more offensive occurences are bound to be reported). And why would one person torture another for “sexual” gratification? Is this not confusing two rather opposite desires, thus demonising one and trivialising the other?
- Dan.
December 11th, 2007 at 3:43 pm
“How do statistics show that pedophiles are becoming more deceitful, when statistics traditionally relate to child molesters and their rates of molestation as opposed to they way they go about their crimes?”
A Z-grade researcher gets money to conduct a methodologically flawed study, make false inferences, and then produce wild statistics to please the people who funded his research?
But you make a very good point. It is impossible to accurately record or communicate levels of deceit statistically.
December 17th, 2007 at 12:53 am
I think it would be great for you to publish a guide on “how to work with children.” I don’t know how successful it would be — but I certainly want to quit my current job and start working with children. I’m just nervous, and a little scared to do so.