Archive for 'Thinkofthevirtualchildren' Category

“Offensive” Virtual Images of Children are now Illegal in the UK

14 November 2009

After much lobbying by numerous commercialised “charities”, the parliament of the United Kingdom has enacted a law which is likely to lead to the sexual abuse of countless real children but is likely to win support for the spineless and dangerous politicians who supported it.
In their earlier defence of legislation against images of virtual children, […]


Politics of an Obscene Character

29 May 2008

The suitably Orwellian-sounding Ministry of Justice has announced that it is to criminalise the possession of “all images of child sexual abuse, including drawings and computer-generated images”.
When the Home Office originally outlined their plans to criminalise such cartoons, I urged people to send a reply to the consultation and many people did voice their concerns. […]