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Ephebophiles: Not a product of nature…

6 June 2007

…according to this woman:

I do not believe that pedophiles/ephebophiles are born with the predisposition. I believe it is environmental. I also believe they choose whether to walk that path


Pedophilic relationships are not about love or consensual sex….they are about the thrill of manipulation and power over someone. That is why the pedophile/ephebophile will ALWAYS escalate. That is also why they ALWAYS move on to new victims. They are thrill seeking and conquering.

We have to consider that this is the “expert” who once informed me that my fantasies at age eight were a sure indicator of abuse. But even then, claiming that an attraction to fertile, functioning adolescents (i.e. my orientation) is somehow unnatural and chosen? Was that just the sound of a screw hitting the floor from head level?

I must admit that her language is of the thought and action conflating mould, which at least excuses some of her confusion (and heat). But still, this is one antiped who has no idea of the biological significance of puberty. A spiritual atheist, yet a social religionist!

God bless America, and its sexual enlightenment!

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    13 Responses to “Ephebophiles: Not a product of nature…”

  1. BLueRibbon Says:

    FWIW, my reply was here

  2. Daniel Lièvre Says:

    I will add that sometimes “specialisation” can set a person in their ways, giving them a very narrow view of their field.

    The arrogance that this woman has shown over the last year can only convince me that such is the case with her.

    She’s been great fun to debate, though. See a great number of the threads indexed on my site’s IIDB page.

  3. GG Says:

    Simply put, this blog stinks.
    Pedophilia is not a kink/fetish.
    It is not a disease.
    It is a crime, and will be treated as such.

  4. admin Says:

    Simply put, this blog stinks.

    Thank you.

    Pedophilia is not a kink/fetish.

    You are correct.

    It is not a disease.

    You are correct.

    It is a crime, and will be treated as such.

    Paedophilia - a sexual attraction to young children - is not a crime. Having sex with children - child molestation - is a crime. Are you aware of the difference?


  5. Daniel Lièvre Says:

    It is a crime, and will be treated as such

    And when exactly will that be?

  6. admin Says:

    And when exactly will that be?

    I won’t be surprised if being a paedophile does become a crime soon. The question is, who will be first to literally criminalise thought, the USA or the UK?

  7. Daniel Lièvre Says:

    They’ll probably go the way of Wikipedia. First, it will be illegal to publically identify as a pedophile without seeking therapy. Then, advocacy will be criminalised. What kind of advocacy this will be interests me though.

    Maybe promoting the idea that pedophilia is positive, or anything other than a mental illness will soon land you in jail. Maybe promoting retroactive AoC reform will (watch out, Peter Tatchell!).

    Remember, the Germans have banned holocaust denial, and the UK already has legislation against “stirring up racial hatred”. If only it applied to rabble rousing ;)

  8. Steve Diamond Says:

    …an “expert” in what?…

    She unceremoniously reduces pedophilia/ephebophilia, down to “thrill seeking”?…That is incredibly ignorant, not to forget insulting.

    I’d say she could do with a healthy dose of that mind reconditioning she alludes to, as well…help herself out of that hateful and vicious mind of hers.

    You know, this is one of the things I’ve hinted at, and have privately known for years…

    …The larger atheist community disgusts me to no end, in the way that so many of them tout free thought, and purport some claim to logic, truth and honesty…but their forked tongue will attack anyone else, who is scapegoated enough, and socially “fair game”…They buy into the propaganda, just as quickly and easily as anyone else…and they vomit up the same propaganda that they have heard, over and over.

    So many of them seem to think they are mentally superior, ethically superior, etc…because they see religion for what it is, in the larger scope…

    …a pathetically easy task, for anyone who takes the time to really study the history of religion…and if that is their claim to rationality, then they might as well all just pack it in, and call it quits.

    There is nothing impressive there.

    Too many atheist are selective “free thinkers”…

    …as soon as they encounter a social stigma, with tremendous inertia carrying it…”free thought” and logic go straight out the window…They join up with that religion, at the drop of a hat.

    Being a scapegoated group, themselves, you would think they would have stronger reservations about what the media, etc, says about other groups…and some of them do, but far to many do not.

    …It is as though they have learned absolutely nothing from their own experience, or anything of empathy for other scapegoated groups, and who they should believe in…(certainly not the people with a track record for lying about scapegoated groups…scapegoated groups like atheists).

    Atheists are treated like human trash, too…I know this, because I have a foot in each community…as do others here.

    …but, their suffrage is absolutely nothing, in comparison to the suffrage of the pedophile.

    …Atheists are on the gravy train, in comparison to pedophiles.

    Since even amongst the “trash” minorities, they are a rung or two higher than pedophiles…you will find a lot of them trashing pedophiles and pedophilia, with extreme ignorance…because they can…it is just normal, for the culture in which they grew up in and live…

    …They commonly don’t see through that dogma, however…

    I just get so sick of the superiority complexes, and the mindless bull shit that goes on, when the concerned elements should know better, and be intelligent enough to see through these things, get past them, and work together for the common good of all.

    I know I’ve been a bit bad here, by not acknowledging those atheists who DO have integrity, and a mind for fairness…and this rant may seem more like I’m lambasting the entire atheist culture.

    …but, I just cant get past it…just like with the “gays”…they should have the experience to know better than to do this…It is a mark of shame, that so many of them do not.

  9. BLueRibbon Says:


    I’ve noticed that, compared to society in general, atheists are often more tolerant, free-thinking and rational when discussing topics such as paedophilia. You’ll always find a few idiots in any group.

  10. Daniel Lièvre Says:

    Yes, as shown by the fact that one always gets a debate at IIDB (a secular philosophy board).

    But still, it is clear that even atheists choose where to apply logic. They have been enlightened by the power of logical thinking in one area, because the consensus appaled them or was not forced upon them.

    But because they were brought up to view sexuality in a different way, they are prone to justify a premature conclusion. Maybe we should attempt to show how the witchhunt on pedophilia was inspired by (or built upon) religious ideas, i.e. that one can be persecuted for sexual abnormailty.

  11. Ben Says:

    I hear all these things about treating pedophiles like crap and that we should be in prison because of our desires and so on. I never see anywhere that pedophiles need help as in mental and if we do need mental help where can we get mental help without being thrown in jail just for thoughts. People never give any reasonable answers its always the same lame crap

  12. BLueRibbon Says:

    I never see anywhere that pedophiles need help as in mental

    Well, it’s impossible to “cure” someone of a sexual attraction.

    People never give any reasonable answers its always the same lame crap


  13. annonymous Says:

    “I never see anywhere that pedophiles need help as in mental and if we do need mental help where can we get mental help without being thrown in jail just for thoughts.”

    Exactly. It’s ridiculous. We’re fucked.

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