Archive for 'Blogging' Category


28 August 2008

Due to inactivity and the increasingly academic nature of contributions, we are going to change the format of this website. This blog will be locked but will remain online, while new material will be written for static pages, outside of the Wordpress format. A new Slashdot-style blogging service will be launched, which will allow anyone […]

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Pathetic Excuses, LiveJournal and WfI

31 May 2007

So LiveJournal decided to issue an apology about the blog holocaust. This, of course, merely excused - or rather attempted to excuse - their removal of blogs operated by paedophiles, stating child protection measures and US law as reasons for their strikethrough.
LiveJournal, who had previously supported free speech by law-abiding people, has decided to remove,
“profiles […]


Site Update

28 May 2007

I just added a new page to the website. It’s designed to explain paedophilia to younger people. Feel free to discuss it underneath this post.
Also, the first campaign should be posted within the next few days.


They Said It

23 May 2007

“More than 75% of perpetrators [of child sexual abuse] are parents.“
…. not paedophiles.
Despite this, their site describes itself as “a site dedicated to hunting pedophiles”
So why don’t they also attempt to address the problem of parents molesting children, despite the fact that parental child sexual abuse is an issue which is both severely under-addressed and […]


Problems at LiveJournal

21 May 2007

I recently received an e-mail from the LiveJournal Abuse Team.
Dear LiveJournal user gloriousgirls,
Your journal and its associated profile have been reported to us as containing material which can be viewed as soliciting participation in illegal activity. As this is a violation of LiveJournal’s Terms of Service, your account has been suspended. It will not be […]


The Silent Treatment: A Rule to Live By…

13 May 2007

I’ve noticed, and it has been painful to watch at times, that some “child lovers” let themselves get pulled into these games, and the manipulation, of hate groups.
I think it bares repeating, that when it comes to activist projects, focusing on your own goals and shutting out hostile elements, is commonly the better route to […]


Whack Attack…

25 April 2007

…yes, the popular childrens’ game. At this point, you may be able to guess what I’m talking about.
So when you hammer one of those ugly heads into the ground, you can feel happy for ten seconds, deluding yourself about a job well done. But then:
It’s back. OK, if readers still don’t know what I’m pointing […]


Revealing Petra Luna’s TRUE colours…

22 April 2007

Hey guys!
This is just a quick post because I’ve been really busy lately, but I wanted to post the text to this as my first post, as well as advertise the latest post I made to podomatic, which is me reading this text and playing some excerpts from Petra Luna’s interview which exposes her […]


Announcing my return

3 November 2006

Hi everyone,
In June, I founded a blog designed to fight back against the hatred spread by the groups which oppose us for our thoughts. Unfortunately, the effect which this had on my situation in real life caused me to cease my activities on the blog. I resigned from my duties as an administrator and contributor. […]