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Pathetic Excuses, LiveJournal and WfI

31 May 2007

So LiveJournal decided to issue an apology about the blog holocaust. This, of course, merely excused - or rather attempted to excuse - their removal of blogs operated by paedophiles, stating child protection measures and US law as reasons for their strikethrough.

LiveJournal, who had previously supported free speech by law-abiding people, has decided to remove,

“profiles that expressed “interest” in activities that most of us would agree put children at risk, notably pedophilia and child rape.”

I’m sorry, but paedophilia is not an activity. You cannot “engage in paedophilia.” Paedophilia refers to a sexual and emotional attraction to young children and it’s not even remotely illegal to be a paedophile. So that excuse is hardly justification for removing blogs owned by paedophiles. Furthermore, being a paedophile does not significantly increase one’s risk to children, considering that most child sexual abuse is not committed by paedophiles, it is usually parents who are responsible for such abuse, a fact which WfI themselves once admitted

…. And I don’t see LiveJournal removing users who express an interest in parenting.

Now, some people also mentioned an interest in child rape. While I don’t personally understand how someone can fantasise about the actual rape of a child, I am not the Thought Police…. and LiveJournal shouldn’t be either. If people are actually raping children, that’s another matter, which should be swiftly dealt with by Law Enforcement.

LiveJournal also stated,

“We never intended this policy to cause the removal of journals that were have perfectly valid discussions about literature, law or culture.”

This blindly ignores the fact that many, many blogs owned by paedophiles simply discussed the paedophile hysteria present in much of today’s culture. Such discussions are hardly invalid and it’s highly dishonest to state that such discussions will lead to the abuse of children.

Warriors For Innocence, a vigilante group whose owner once described attacking paedophiles as “too much fun,” are reportedly behind the attack. One of the members can be identified as Mark Spence, who runs a blog called Tampa Pirate, which often contains racist remarks and attacks against other minority groups, including homosexuals.

It has been reported that WfI contains malware which hijacks picture folders. This is pure speculation based on reports from people who have previously exposed computers, however it raises the question, “Are WfI searching for child porn to report?” If so, they are violating US law.

We have seen why censorship of paedophiles causes problems for many people, not just paedophiles. While you may feel that people who are attracted to children should be murdered or pointlessly forced into therapy, you now have a striking example of how attacking paedophiles harms other members of society.

In my opinion, these deletions are an attempt to “look good” to the public, appease shady vigilantes, while citing child protection laws as mere excuses to delete perfectly acceptable journals. LiveJournal should restore all legal deleted journals, not discriminating against the “morality” of content, because this has been a major PR disaster which must be rectified.

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    11 Responses to “Pathetic Excuses, LiveJournal and WfI”

  1. Stitches88 Says:

    A profile of rightwing paranoia:

    1. A wingnut may be either male or female, but is often a Caucasian, or inhabitant of the remote “boonies” of a country which various informed commentators have referred to as the “Evil Empire”, “Jailand”, or the “Undeserved Surplus Affluence”.

    2. The wingnut is often seen to operate a simple to use piece of online software called a “blog”. According to experts, the “blog” allows the wingnut to associate with other like minded sociopaths, where they may target impressionable young people who may become indoctrinated into state worship and submission to other entities that are dangerously more powerful than they are.

    3. When in discussion with other wingnuts, it is often easy to establish that the winger suffers from “cognitive distortions“. Via discreet observations of online winger chats, experts have established that cognitive distortions are frequently associated with internalising fantasies of human castration, suffocation, frying in oil, buggery, garrotting, stoning, lynching and rape, often at the hands of a mythical God-figure called “Bubba”. “Bubba” is said to emerge from the skies on solstice nights, creeping into the bedrooms of sleeping pedophiles, to drop off letters from their victims.

    4. The weakness in all wingnuts’ arguments is exposed by frequent campaigns to silence others by either brute force, spurious accusation or claims of offensive content that veil lazy disagreement or hate. Wingnuts fail to appreciate that others are entitled to redefine what is acceptable via persuasion. The literature and mission statements of organised winger groups have been justifiably compared by one observer to that of the KKK.

    See, see! They are clearly evil teh freaks have “cognitive distortions”. Laugh at them they are not worthie of are pity111!!!


  2. BLueRibbon Says:

    LOL, but just who have WfI, AZ, et al actually scared?

    The vigilante groups have today been exposed for what they are - a group of bigoted fundamentalists with no interest in protecting children, but a major obsession with feeding their egos.

  3. Daniel Lièvre Says:

    It scares me to even comprehend that the old hag may be human. Could I possibly share 99.9% of my genetic makeup with that monstrousity?


  4. BLueRibbon Says:

    It scares me to even comprehend that the old hag may be human

    Well, I don’t think it’s very likely, to be honest.

  5. I*Love*Green*Olives Says:


    You mean the reason they sound so much like bigoted Nazi racists is because they are bigoted Nazi racists!

    Who knew?


  6. Daniel Lièvre Says:

    Well, you might be right there. One of our

  7. Anonymous Says:

    “The weakness in all wingnuts’ arguments is exposed by frequent campaigns to silence others by either brute force, spurious accusation or claims of offensive content that veil lazy disagreement or hate.”

    This is an important point, and something I’ve talked about in the past, and am sure to again, in the future.

    A lot of people do not seem to understand just how monumental this tactic is, in their strategy.

    It is foundational, and an absolute “must”, that all alternative viewpoints be silenced, driven from public discourse, and all such dissenting minds be intimidated into hiding…or worse.

    Without this demand being met, their intentions will fail…because their intentions can not stand up to sound scrutiny.

    It is absolutely vital, that their intentions be sheltered and protected from all scrutiny. They would get nowhere, if it were not.

  8. stitches77 Says:

    That’s just the strangest thing danyfreak. I think you should show that to Nickless since he encourages pedo suicides too. Perhaps between Rez and Nickless there will never have to be another sad and miserable pedohead left standing. Just think of it!!! A cure for pedos! Rez agitates the pedohead making him WANT to die and Nickless just cajoles him over the edge……..despite repeated complaints to blogger…. What do ya know about that??

  9. Ben Says:

    Unfortunately society see’s pedophilia as child molestation no matter how much we try and tell them that we are not active with children they still use those two together or vice versa, if you think about a child molestor they call you a pedophile and then if they call you a pedophile they say that he is most likely a child molestor as well. I just think that being a girlover or a boylover is the best way to label yourself because then they cant try and say that you are sexual with either label.

  10. Sues Says:

    Just to clear something up, Mark Spence and Tampa Pirate is in no way associated with WFI. WFI is run by Sues, Gunny John, and Miss Y. That’s it.

  11. pedoboy Says:

    shit i use to have a blog about a year ago or so and they desided to tear it down that pissed me off is there any thing that you know of that i can do to have free speech again?

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