Archive for 'Eide' Category

Xavier Von Erck - Criminal

2 November 2007

Xavier Von Erck (real name Phillip John Eide), is the owner of Perverted Justice. He admits that he targets people because they’re attracted to children, but only to hurt them, not to protect children. He states that “protecting children is just a side benefit.”
He incites members of his organisation to telephone people who have been […]


Prejudice and Superiority

8 March 2007

Have you ever noticed how people attack minorities to feel better about their own issues?
What does British actor Richard Griffiths think about gay people, a group which is tolerated in many Western cultures?
“Homosexuality is the last thing that would occur to me as a sex activity. I don’t get it. I just can’t see what […]


Contradictions, Blatant Dishonesty, True Intentions, PJ

11 January 2007

In his CSO article here, Mr Eide states -
“We are not targeting companies for merely having pedophiles, advocates of pedophilia and sex offenders on their servers. We are targeting companies that allow and support pedophiles using their services to advance the cause of child rape”
This is, of course, a lie. My blog at Wordpress […]