Archive for 'Paranoia' Category

The Adverse Effects of Child Sexual Hysteria (Part 1)

22 June 2008

If we were to put aside our case for non-contact pedophile rights - just for a moment, how many adverse consequences could we list for society in general? I almost considered grafting extra fingers to count them all. In this half of my post, I consider the negative impacts on Children:
1. Denial of contact with […]


Thought Crime, UK Style

31 October 2007

Two articles from Sky News intend to expose what is clearly perceived to be “typical” paedophile behaviour. While they believe that they offering a shocking insight into the minds of paedophiles, they are merely exposing the deplorable state of a society which seeks to destroy those who have feelings which most people can’t understand.
The first […]

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There’s a Paedophile in Your Neighbourhood

10 August 2007

Actually, there are probably hundreds. How do I know this?
“Laboratory researchers have validated physiologically the self-report studies of nonclinical, nonpedophile identified volunteers. In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult […]

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30 July 2007

Jack McClellan is in the news yet again. He refuses to be silent, refuses to hide, refuses to be ashamed and refuses to violate the law. This frightens parents because he isn’t a stereotype. Maybe - they realise - the “typical paedophile” is not the mythical man with the moustache, weird smile and mug shot […]


“But I’m no PERVERT!!!”

13 July 2007

To me, it makes sense that becoming a parent would have a structuring effect upon a person’s view of what pedophilia or sexual attraction towards minors entails.
Of course, a new parent is immediately exposed to their own “good” feelings of affection towards children. But since our society dictates that a parent’s affection cannot be in […]