Archive for 'Definitions' Category

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Proposing, Veiling and Prosecuting Thoughtcrime

20 January 2009

In George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four the government attempts to control not only the speech and actions, but also the thoughts of its subjects, labelling disapproved thoughts with the term thoughtcrime or, in Newspeak, “crimethink”. In the book, Winston Smith, the main character, writes in his diary: “Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is […]


Child Nudity: Indecency vs Illegality

22 December 2007

If you are a regular reader of this website, you will already be aware that many people in the UK are convicted of making and possessing indecent images of children - contrary to the Protection of Children Act (1978) and the Criminal Justice Act (1988) - simply for viewing naturist images of children.
At the […]

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A Discussion About Laws Against Indecent Images

22 October 2007

A recent e-mail from a friend asking how low the threshold for indecency is - and an event which occurred around two months ago - made me think, yet again, about the indecent nature of indecency laws. Indecency laws - and their suggested interpretations - are not just unreasonable, they are contradictory and violate the […]


Flawed Research, Misinterpretations and “Paedophile Neurology”

26 September 2007

“Paedophiles’ brains ‘different’“

“A Yale University team found activity in parts of paedophiles’ brains were lower than in other volunteers when shown adult, erotic material.”
The research shows that, when paedophiles viewed erotic images of women, there was a low level of activity in the hypothalamus, the area of the brain which is involved in arousal and […]


Why Abuse Does Not Justify Ignorance

25 August 2007

Allow me to begin this article by stating that I do feel sorry for people who have been sexually abused. The vast majority of people who have been sexually abused deserve sympathy and compassion. Unfortunately, there are some abuse victims whose opinions are warped to the point where they feel that their experiences justify attacks […]


A Wonderful Example of Bad “Science”

21 August 2007

From New Scientist:
“Even accounting for an expected decrease in grey matter due to lower IQ scores, Schiffer’s group found that the paedophiles had about 2 to 4% less grey matter in the orbitofrontal cortex – an area of the brain that plays an important role in high-level decision making and reasoning.”
This would sound rather frightening, […]


Adoption in the City of Plymouth

26 July 2007

Quoted from a recent local newspaper promotion:

They’re counting on you to adopt them
It isn’t much fun. 30-40 children a year in Plymouth are playing a waiting game.
Single children and groups of brothers and sisters of all ages, abilities, cultures and religions are waiting for a forever family to adopt them.
The waiting game isn’t much fun. […]


Understanding Fantasy

15 July 2007

Should paedophiles be allowed to spend time with children? Is an attraction to children “mentally sound?”
The resounding replies to these questions will be a very loud “NO!” Everyone “knows” that paedophiles will always act on their urges and everyone knows that they’re mentally ill…. actually, that couldn’t be further from the truth [1] [2]. If […]


“But I’m no PERVERT!!!”

13 July 2007

To me, it makes sense that becoming a parent would have a structuring effect upon a person’s view of what pedophilia or sexual attraction towards minors entails.
Of course, a new parent is immediately exposed to their own “good” feelings of affection towards children. But since our society dictates that a parent’s affection cannot be in […]


Paedophilia, According to the DSM

7 July 2007

The definition of paedophilia in the DSM is commonly misinterpreted; many people interpret a diagnosis of paedophilia to require the action of sex with a pre-pubescent child. This is a misinterpretation, often distributed by people with anti-paedophile agendas.
All three criteria must be met for a diagnosis of paedophilia, however the ways in which people supposedly […]


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