Archive for 'Definitions' Category
Daily Mail… is that you?
21 June 2007This day has come much faster than I expected. A newspaper famous for once supporting the political career of Fascist, Oswald Mosely has published a sympathy piece involving a pedophile and child porn convict.
Surprisingly, the Mail covers the story of Bill Henkel in its usual “People like us” style. We hear that Bill lives with […]
Ephebophiles: Not a product of nature…
6 June 2007…according to this woman:
I do not believe that pedophiles/ephebophiles are born with the predisposition. I believe it is environmental. I also believe they choose whether to walk that path
Pedophilic relationships are not about love or consensual sex….they are about the thrill of manipulation and power over someone. That is why the pedophile/ephebophile will ALWAYS escalate. […]
Should the Possession of Child Pornography be Illegal?
1 June 2007Note: This article does not condone illegal activity; it suggests a change in child pornography legislation.
I have discussed this issue with many friends, including those who have been convicted of offences involving child pornography, as well as those who are old enough to remember a time when child pornography was legal and was as available […]
Pathetic Excuses, LiveJournal and WfI
31 May 2007So LiveJournal decided to issue an apology about the blog holocaust. This, of course, merely excused - or rather attempted to excuse - their removal of blogs operated by paedophiles, stating child protection measures and US law as reasons for their strikethrough.
LiveJournal, who had previously supported free speech by law-abiding people, has decided to remove,
“profiles […]
Site Update
28 May 2007I just added a new page to the website. It’s designed to explain paedophilia to younger people. Feel free to discuss it underneath this post.
Also, the first campaign should be posted within the next few days.
“They want to exert their power”
26 May 2007“Professionals”, “Practitioners” and “Pigs” are well known in these circles, for their habit of trying to “cram” various secondary characteristics into a broad sweeping “cognitive profile” or “game plan” of pedophiles (or even minor attracted persons in general).
What we are seeing is a vast body of junk science and over-complicating criminological literature that attempts to […]
Problems at LiveJournal
21 May 2007I recently received an e-mail from the LiveJournal Abuse Team.
Dear LiveJournal user gloriousgirls,
Your journal and its associated profile have been reported to us as containing material which can be viewed as soliciting participation in illegal activity. As this is a violation of LiveJournal’s Terms of Service, your account has been suspended. It will not be […]
Madeleine McCann, Paedophiles and Assumptions
19 May 2007Paedophilia, a simple sexual and emotional attraction to young children, is often seen as the ultimate evil. This is despite the fact that, contrary to popular belief, it is not the driving force behind the majority of acts of child abuse, including child sexual abuse. It is neither an action nor a criminal offence.
Due to […]
The BBC’s Ian Jolly
13 April 2007Some time ago (last summer, in fact), I decided to challenge the BBC on what is clearly becoming an ingrained habit of theirs; the abuse of language:
Something I have noticed about the 24 hour, update and general sections of BBC News, which I previously thought was only common to the other channels:
The clear misuse […]
No Joy For UK Vigilantes
10 April 2007When even children’s charities don’t want it…… you know it’s a bad “child protection law.”
The Home Office (UK) have suggested that Sarah’s Law will NOT be implemented in the UK.
From the illegally discriminatory article at the BBC -
“A spokesman for the children’s charity Barnardo’s said: “The indications from Home Office sources that people in […]