Archive for 2007
Christmas Cancelled Over Paedo Grooming Fears
24 December 2007The Daily Sun: London.
MILLIONS of children are in tears following the prohibition of Christmas, over fears of paedos using presents to groom children.
The Daily Sun has learned that the ban is related to an operation by the Metropolitan Police, which uncovered a deadly present-sharing ring in London.
Although the Met refused to explain why Christmas […]
Child Nudity: Indecency vs Illegality
22 December 2007If you are a regular reader of this website, you will already be aware that many people in the UK are convicted of making and possessing indecent images of children - contrary to the Protection of Children Act (1978) and the Criminal Justice Act (1988) - simply for viewing naturist images of children.
At the […]
Paedophiles Working With Children
24 November 2007I do volunteer work with children.
But why do I do volunteer work with children?
I’ve wanted to work with children for a while because I find them sexually attractive.
I’ve wanted to work with children for a while because I find them emotionally attractive.
One reason is totally unrelated to paedophilia.
But here’s something which the bigots may not […]
Important Research Project
19 November 2007Kevin Brown (a trusted member of our community) and Dr Sarah Goode (a respected sociologist) are currently running a research project, with the intention of enabling society to understand people who are sexually attracted to minors. This study is important for us, as the anonymity it provides should lead to much participation from non-offenders, as […]
Hate Law: Pedophiles overlooked, used as pawns
15 November 2007(@ link):
LONDON, November 12, 2007 – Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, has today supported the Government’s plan to make it an offence to incite hatred against people on the basis of their sexual orientation.
Why am I not holding my breath?
The Mayor was adamant that this move would not infringe on freedom of […]
Xavier Von Erck - Criminal
2 November 2007Xavier Von Erck (real name Phillip John Eide), is the owner of Perverted Justice. He admits that he targets people because they’re attracted to children, but only to hurt them, not to protect children. He states that “protecting children is just a side benefit.”
He incites members of his organisation to telephone people who have been […]
Thought Crime, UK Style
31 October 2007Two articles from Sky News intend to expose what is clearly perceived to be “typical” paedophile behaviour. While they believe that they offering a shocking insight into the minds of paedophiles, they are merely exposing the deplorable state of a society which seeks to destroy those who have feelings which most people can’t understand.
The first […]
27 October 2007A columnist at The Star states -
Consider, if you will, the world of shorter men:
They’re more likely to be bullied as children. Just ask one of them about what the pecking order was like for a “squirt” in the playground. But they’re also more likely to have poor self-esteem, earn lower incomes and have less […]
A Discussion About Laws Against Indecent Images
22 October 2007A recent e-mail from a friend asking how low the threshold for indecency is - and an event which occurred around two months ago - made me think, yet again, about the indecent nature of indecency laws. Indecency laws - and their suggested interpretations - are not just unreasonable, they are contradictory and violate the […]
Because It’s Not About the Children
7 October 2007The Signal, a media source which has been harassing Jack McClellan for months, has hit a new low by supporting “running a self-confessed pedophile out of California” and beheading paedophiles.
Before I discuss this, I’ll quote an excerpt from a relatively recent case involving the harassment of black people
“When Barney arrived, Dennis called the group together […]