Archive for 'Hate' Category

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It’s all in the mind….

8 January 2008

I’m currently writing another (very long) article about laws against images of children, discussing the motivation for such laws. As part of my research for the article, I have been reading the responses to the (Scottish) “Consultation on the possession of non-photographic visual depictions of child sex abuse”.
I have selected several quotes which I may […]


Paedophiles Working With Children

24 November 2007

I do volunteer work with children.
But why do I do volunteer work with children?
I’ve wanted to work with children for a while because I find them sexually attractive.
I’ve wanted to work with children for a while because I find them emotionally attractive.
One reason is totally unrelated to paedophilia.
But here’s something which the bigots may not […]


Hate Law: Pedophiles overlooked, used as pawns

15 November 2007

(@ link):
LONDON, November 12, 2007 – Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, has today supported the Government’s plan to make it an offence to incite hatred against people on the basis of their sexual orientation.
Why am I not holding my breath?
The Mayor was adamant that this move would not infringe on freedom of […]


Because It’s Not About the Children

7 October 2007

The Signal, a media source which has been harassing Jack McClellan for months, has hit a new low by supporting “running a self-confessed pedophile out of California” and beheading paedophiles.
Before I discuss this, I’ll quote an excerpt from a relatively recent case involving the harassment of black people
“When Barney arrived, Dennis called the group together […]


There’s a Paedophile in Your Neighbourhood

10 August 2007

Actually, there are probably hundreds. How do I know this?
“Laboratory researchers have validated physiologically the self-report studies of nonclinical, nonpedophile identified volunteers. In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult […]

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The case for tolerance

4 August 2007

The more you marginalize people … the more likely they are to actually commit crimes. They don’t feel associated with the society that rejected them, so why keep society’s rules?
I’m quoting Bethan Tuttle, a director with Mothers Against Sex Predators (source). The inverse of the statement follows: the less you marginalise people, the less likely […]


Your People Need You!

12 June 2007

Man Jailed for Possessing Cartoon “Child Erotica”
London, UK
A man has today been sentenced to 5 years in prison for possessing child erotica, defined by the new Protection of Proper Thoughts Act 2007 as “any non-photographic image which is likely to lead to the arousal of someone who has an inappropiate interest in children.”
The defence stated […]


The Silent Treatment: A Rule to Live By…

13 May 2007

I’ve noticed, and it has been painful to watch at times, that some “child lovers” let themselves get pulled into these games, and the manipulation, of hate groups.
I think it bares repeating, that when it comes to activist projects, focusing on your own goals and shutting out hostile elements, is commonly the better route to […]


“God is great!” Was His Anthem…What has this hate filled world given us?…

12 May 2007

Boy beheads militant in video…

” The boy with the knife looks about 12. In a high-pitched voice, he denounces the bound, blindfolded man before him as a spy for the Americans. Then he hacks off the captive’s head to cries of “God is great!” and hoists it in triumph by the hair.”

As a humanist, as […]

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The Motivations of Anti-Paedophile Vigilantes

5 May 2007

It is rather apparent to the slightly more astute people of the online world that many members of the online community who aggressively attack paedophiles are not attacking us because they wish to protect children. Naturally, there are many people who actually do believe that attacking random minor-attracted people is the best way to deal […]


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