Archive for 'Heterosexuals' Category

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Fantasies and Consent

28 February 2008

Adult-attracted men - whether heterosexual or homosexual - often state that being attracted to children is wrong, citing a child’s inability to give informed consent as a justification for their stance. While I do not believe that children can give informed consent to engage in sexual activity with adults, for reasons both psychological and social, […]


Why Abuse Does Not Justify Ignorance

25 August 2007

Allow me to begin this article by stating that I do feel sorry for people who have been sexually abused. The vast majority of people who have been sexually abused deserve sympathy and compassion. Unfortunately, there are some abuse victims whose opinions are warped to the point where they feel that their experiences justify attacks […]


A Wonderful Example of Bad “Science”

21 August 2007

From New Scientist:
“Even accounting for an expected decrease in grey matter due to lower IQ scores, Schiffer’s group found that the paedophiles had about 2 to 4% less grey matter in the orbitofrontal cortex – an area of the brain that plays an important role in high-level decision making and reasoning.”
This would sound rather frightening, […]


There’s a Paedophile in Your Neighbourhood

10 August 2007

Actually, there are probably hundreds. How do I know this?
“Laboratory researchers have validated physiologically the self-report studies of nonclinical, nonpedophile identified volunteers. In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult […]

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Adoption in the City of Plymouth

26 July 2007

Quoted from a recent local newspaper promotion:

They’re counting on you to adopt them
It isn’t much fun. 30-40 children a year in Plymouth are playing a waiting game.
Single children and groups of brothers and sisters of all ages, abilities, cultures and religions are waiting for a forever family to adopt them.
The waiting game isn’t much fun. […]


Understanding Fantasy

15 July 2007

Should paedophiles be allowed to spend time with children? Is an attraction to children “mentally sound?”
The resounding replies to these questions will be a very loud “NO!” Everyone “knows” that paedophiles will always act on their urges and everyone knows that they’re mentally ill…. actually, that couldn’t be further from the truth [1] [2]. If […]


“But I’m no PERVERT!!!”

13 July 2007

To me, it makes sense that becoming a parent would have a structuring effect upon a person’s view of what pedophilia or sexual attraction towards minors entails.
Of course, a new parent is immediately exposed to their own “good” feelings of affection towards children. But since our society dictates that a parent’s affection cannot be in […]


The Motivations of Anti-Paedophile Vigilantes

5 May 2007

It is rather apparent to the slightly more astute people of the online world that many members of the online community who aggressively attack paedophiles are not attacking us because they wish to protect children. Naturally, there are many people who actually do believe that attacking random minor-attracted people is the best way to deal […]


“But you will, if you are human, thats what we do.”

22 April 2007

Other minor-attracted individuals have suggested that the assumption of all paedophiles having sex with children is based largely on the fact that most adult-attracted people can - and do - act on their urges. Adult-attracted people can have sex with women or men without (generally) harming anyone or being arrested.
While in a debate recently, […]


Paedophilia, Power, and the Forgotten Distinction

21 March 2007

People claim that the majority of people who have sex with children engage in that activity to “enjoy” a feeling of power or control. They are probably correct, but when they accuse paedophiles of being attracted to children because they “enjoy” power or control, they become wrong. Let me explain….
The issue with their claim is […]

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