Archive for 'Occurrence of paedophilia' Category
Why You Won’t Locate Paedophiles in Your Area
10 April 2010Paedophiles are adults or older adolescents who are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Many parents wish to know if there is a paedophile in their area, and a number of people have found this website while searching for such information. The occurrence of paedophilia within the general population is higher than you might imagine; studies indicate […]
There’s a Paedophile in Your Neighbourhood
10 August 2007Actually, there are probably hundreds. How do I know this?
“Laboratory researchers have validated physiologically the self-report studies of nonclinical, nonpedophile identified volunteers. In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult […]
30 July 2007Jack McClellan is in the news yet again. He refuses to be silent, refuses to hide, refuses to be ashamed and refuses to violate the law. This frightens parents because he isn’t a stereotype. Maybe - they realise - the “typical paedophile” is not the mythical man with the moustache, weird smile and mug shot […]
Understanding Fantasy
15 July 2007Should paedophiles be allowed to spend time with children? Is an attraction to children “mentally sound?”
The resounding replies to these questions will be a very loud “NO!” Everyone “knows” that paedophiles will always act on their urges and everyone knows that they’re mentally ill…. actually, that couldn’t be further from the truth [1] [2]. If […]
“But I’m no PERVERT!!!”
13 July 2007To me, it makes sense that becoming a parent would have a structuring effect upon a person’s view of what pedophilia or sexual attraction towards minors entails.
Of course, a new parent is immediately exposed to their own “good” feelings of affection towards children. But since our society dictates that a parent’s affection cannot be in […]
Occurrence of Paedophilia in the General Population
17 June 2007This is written to supplement the post which describes the occurrence of paedophilia in child sex offenders
From Hall, et al -
Consistent with previous data (Barbaree & Marshall, 1989; Briere & Runtz, 1989; Fedora et al., 1992; Freund & Watson, 1991), 20 % of the current subjects self-reported pedophilic interest and 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal […]
Quotes on the occurence of paedophilia in CSOs
15 March 2007“. . . most data suggest that only a relatively small portion of the population of incarcerated sexual offenders against minors consists of persons for whom minors (particularly children) represent the exclusive or even primary object of sexual interest or source of arousal (Freund, Watson, & Dickey, 1991; Gebhard et al., 1965; Howells, 1981; Lang […]